Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологии | О журнале
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Научный журнал Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологииThe scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology
Online media
issn 2310-6018


Scientific-Practical journal “Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology” (“MOIT”) is an on-line journal, which has been published since 2013. .

The journal accepts for publication original articles and reviews in Russian and English, previously not published anywhere and not submitted for publication in other editions.

Journal Policies

Mission Statement and Goals
Scope and Content
Open Access Policy
Peer Review
Ethics of Scientific Publications
Publication Fee
Conflicts and Interests Disclosure Policy
Borrowings and Plagiarism
Preprints and Postprints Posting Policy

The main sections of the journal:

  • biotechnological and medical systems
  • technical systems
  • problem-oriented management systems
  • social and economic systems
  • security systems

Articles, received by the editors, are published after peer review by members of the Editorial Board who are experts in the relevant fields. Immediately after posting on the Website, the article is considered published. After the the next issue publication (4 issues per year), the articles are posted on the Elibrary platform. Each article is assigned a unique DOI index. All articles are checked by the Anti-Plagiarism system: https://www.antiplagiat.ru/.

The journal does not have a paper version and provides full open access to all its publications. The network format of the journal and the principle of open access allows for the widest reach of readers and authors, which contributes to a high level of citation of published articles. When using the journal materials, the reference to the journal name and the author names of articles is required.

Contact information

Voronezh Institute of High Technologies - an autonomous non-profit educational organization of higher education
ul. Lenina 73-A 394043 Voronezh Russia.
Editorial and Publishing Department
Svetlana Anatolievna Kozhuhar +7 (473) 20-20-420 ext. 3001