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Научный журнал Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологииThe scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology
Online media
issn 2310-6018

Development and programming of an effective information microcontroller system for making managerial decisions in access control problems at a security facility of particular importance

Tolstykh O.V.,  Isaev O.V. 

UDC 303.732.4
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.35.4.030

  • Abstract
  • List of references
  • About authors

The article considers the development and programming stages of alternative specialized microcontroller systems, implemented with a view to solving managerial and access control problems, concerning the admission to sensitive facilities of particular importance, under the conditions of costs minimization and the maintenance of the designed hardware and software complex quality indicators. Thus, the main trend in the development of modern technical protection means for objects with particular importance (ALE) is the integration of various technical means and systems into a single information and technical complex - an integrated security system (ISS). ISS provides comprehensive security of objects under protection by merging various subsystems into a single hardware-software (information) platform. Training complexes for the automation of checkpoints, designed to ensure control and management of personnel and transport access to the restricted areas of the ALE in an automated mode, for example, may be used as the elements of these information systems. The reason for defining the problem stems from the fact that there is currently an interest in finding and choosing inexpensive automated control systems in technical systems of security objects with integration algorithms implementation along with database management systems (DBMS). ACS are not always suitable for solving some problems inherent in special facilities. This is due to the sometimes high cost of software or technical solutions, the limited functionality of devices from specific manufacturers, and the atypical nature of the tasks being solved. In this respect, the research is of practical relevance when applied to improving the engineering and technical support of ACS ALE. In other words, the development of specialized problem-oriented control systems, information processing, decision-making and providing subsequent scientific basis for the presented solutions with the aim of assessing the effectiveness of ALE technical support optimization is nowadays in demand. The key approach to researching and testing the methods for the development of alternative programmable logic controllers for ACS OOV is the invention of relevant algorithms for logical management of access control to OLE and their formalization in the form of a program code as well as the eventual formation of the visitors’ database and their ACS identifiers. As a result of the study, the hardware and software implementation of the ACS controller ALE and its software integration with the developed ACS database have been undertaken; additionally, the scientific basis for the targeted use effectiveness of the reviewed information microcontroller system has been outlined.

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Tolstykh Olga Vladimirovna
candidate of technical sciences
Email: tov48@mail.ru

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Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Voronezh, Russian Federation

Isaev Oleg Viktorovich
candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

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Voronezh Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Voronezh, Russian Federation

Keywords: hardware and software complex, access control and management system, information system, information process, stability, programmable microcontroller, database management system, program code, efficiency

For citation: Tolstykh O.V., Isaev O.V. Development and programming of an effective information microcontroller system for making managerial decisions in access control problems at a security facility of particular importance. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2021;9(4). URL: https://moitvivt.ru/ru/journal/pdf?id=1009 DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.35.4.030 (In Russ).


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Received 21.06.2021

Revised 27.12.2021

Accepted 29.12.2021

Published 31.12.2021