Keywords: outliers, machine learning, training sample, ensemble method, z-score, interquartile range method
Ensemble methods for detecting outliers in the preparation of a training data set
UDC 004.622
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2022.38.3.013
Most machine learning methods are most effective when working with data that satisfies a nor-mal distribution. On the other hand, the training set often contains “outliers” of various nature, which can significantly reduce the accuracy of machine learning methods. Thus, in any machine learning task, there is a problem of detecting outliers. The article provides a classification of the main types of emissions. Various methods for detecting one-dimensional outliers are considered: the method using the Grubbs criterion; Z-score method; robust Z-score (RZ-score) method; in-terquartile range (IQR) method; Winsorization method. The methods for detecting one-dimensional outliers are compared. For the automated detection of outliers, an ensemble method has been proposed that combines various methods for detecting one-dimensional outliers. The ensemble method helps to configure an automated outlier detection procedure according to the rule of the required severity. The suggested method is applied to analyze and detect outliers in data on sales of goods during the promotion in a large retail network. The applicability of using outlier detection method ensemble to stratification of the training sample is shown. At the same time, the absolute and relative forecasting error of the final model decreased by 5% compared to the initial one.
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Keywords: outliers, machine learning, training sample, ensemble method, z-score, interquartile range method
For citation: Dorofeev V.S., Volosatova T.M. Ensemble methods for detecting outliers in the preparation of a training data set. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2022;10(3). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2022.38.3.013 (In Russ).
Received 11.07.2022
Revised 25.07.2022
Accepted 16.09.2022
Published 30.09.2022