Система поддержки принятия врачебных решений в кардиологии на основе цифрового двойника сердечно-сосудистой системы
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Научный журнал Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологииThe scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology
Online media
issn 2310-6018

The system for supporting medical decision-making in cardiology based on a digital twin of the cardiovascular system

idFrolov S.V. idKorobov A.A. Vetrov A.N.  

UDC 615.471
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2023.40.1.007

  • Abstract
  • List of references
  • About authors

The analysis of existing digital counterparts of the cardiovascular system and medical decision support systems in cardiology is carried out. There is a low degree of elaboration or lack of consideration for the mechanisms for regulating blood circulation in them. The structure of a new biotechnical system is proposed, which makes it possible to form recommendations for the doctor as to decide on therapeutic effects in order to optimize the functions (indices) of the patient's cardiovascular system. The problem of optimizing the patient's condition for the medical decision support system is defined and the solution to it is provided. The structure of a biotechnical system for optimizing the patient's condition using a digital twin of the cardiovascular system as a virtual personalized model of the circulatory system connected to the patient by two-way information communication is described. A diagram of the elements of the biotechnical system detailing the ways of transmitting diagnostic information from the patient to the digital twin of the cardiovascular system is presented. The hardware for checking the adequacy (validation), verification and identification of the digital twin of the cardiovascular system is given. An example of the search for optimal properties necessary to optimize the indices of the functions of the cardiovascular system of an average patient is considered. The current and found optimal values of the indices of the patient's condition are obtained. To achieve indices that ensure the normalization of the patient's condition, optimal values of the properties of the cardiovascular system were found.

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Frolov Sergei Vladimirovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Email: Sergej.frolov@gmail.com

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Tambov State Technical University

Tambov, Russian Federation

Korobov Artyom Andreevich


Tambov State Technical University

Tambov, Russian Federation

Vetrov Aleksandr Nikolaevich
Candidate of Technical Sciences

Tambov State Technical University

Tambov, Russian Federation

Keywords: decision support system, regulation, mathematical modeling, cardiovascular system, neurocontrol, optimization problem

For citation: Frolov S.V. Korobov A.A. Vetrov A.N. The system for supporting medical decision-making in cardiology based on a digital twin of the cardiovascular system. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2023;11(1). Available from: https://moitvivt.ru/ru/journal/pdf?id=1308 DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2023.40.1.007 (In Russ).


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Received 16.01.2023

Revised 01.02.2023

Accepted 08.02.2023

Published 31.03.2023