Keywords: supervision clustering, AB analysis, geroprophylactic treatment, prediction of treatment effectiveness, bio-growth
Clustering of patients based on their functional, clinical and anthropometric indicators for the construction of models for assessing bio-age
UDC 51-76
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2023.41.2.011
Cluster analysis has become a widely used tool for analyzing medical data to identify groups of patients. But despite the widespread use of cluster analysis, it is rare to find publications where the identification of groups of patients and the attributes by which the division into groups occurred are mathematically justified. To solve this problem, a method called clustering with a teacher can be applied, the essence of which is to apply multiclass classification methods using cluster labels as a target variable. In this paper, this method is employed to identify indicators by which groups of patients will be divided in the databases of the autonomous public health care institutions SOCP Hospital for War Veterans and Institute of Medical Cell Technologies for years 1995-2022 in volume 6440. The HDBscan method was used for clustering method, and the CatBoost method in the multiclass classification mode was used as a verification method for the obtained clusters of patients. As a result, 4 clusters were obtained divided by gender and the patient's condition. In order to identify statistical differences between the obtained clusters, an AB analysis of these clusters was carried out by means of the Kruskal-Walis criterion. The results of the AB analysis showed that the clusters have statistically significant differences in all functional parameters included in the analysis. Further, an AB analysis of the differences in the functional indicators of patients in outpatient and inpatient status for the female and male cluster was carried out. For the AB analysis, a permutation criterion and a bootstrap were used with the construction of confidence intervals of averages from samples generated in the bootstrap.
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Keywords: supervision clustering, AB analysis, geroprophylactic treatment, prediction of treatment effectiveness, bio-growth
For citation: Limanovskaya O.V., Meshchaninov V.N., Gavrilov I.V. Clustering of patients based on their functional, clinical and anthropometric indicators for the construction of models for assessing bio-age. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2023;11(2). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2023.41.2.011 (In Russ).
Received 20.03.2023
Revised 24.04.2023
Accepted 26.05.2023
Published 30.06.2023