Keywords: mobile station, access control, hierarchical thematic classification, semantic proximity, semantic distance
Metrics of semantic proximity of a user's request as a security criterion in a thematic hierarchical access control model
UDC 004.056.5
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.44.1.030
The increasing scope of application of mobile technologies and devices as elements of distributed systems to enhance the efficiency and convenience of access to various information systems and digital services has made it necessary to improve methods and mechanisms for information protection and information security. One of the main security mechanisms is access control. Features of traditional (discretionary and mandatory) access control model application in distributed information systems (IS) when using mobile systems (MS) as elements are analyzed. Thematically, hierarchical model is proposed as the most effective model that meets the required security policy. For this access control model, an ontological method for forming trust rights to access objects is proposed based on the use of semantic proximity metrics. When using traditional thematic hierarchical access control models, the logical information architecture of IS resources forms a thematic hierarchical classifier (categorizer). The Hasse diagram introduces order relations in the thematic classifier on the security grid to form trust-thematic powers of IS users. Constructing Hasse diagrams on a security grid that includes several security levels is a rather complex algorithmic task. When constructing trust-thematic powers of users in order to avoid uncertainty due to the incompleteness of the constructed Hasse diagram and overestimation of the granted powers when forming access rights, it is proposed to use the semantic proximity of the user access request and the thematic heading of the hierarchical classifier. An analysis of existing approaches to the formation of semantic proximity metrics has shown that proximity measures based on the hierarchy of concepts can be used as the best metric for setting the user’s trust authority.
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Keywords: mobile station, access control, hierarchical thematic classification, semantic proximity, semantic distance
For citation: Khvostov V.A., Sych G.V., Choporov O.N., Gulov V.P. Metrics of semantic proximity of a user's request as a security criterion in a thematic hierarchical access control model. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2024;12(1). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.44.1.030 (In Russ).
Received 23.05.2023
Revised 21.03.2024
Accepted 28.03.2024
Published 31.03.2024