Архитектура программного модуля сбора и обработки временных рядов зонтичной системы мониторинга ИТ-инфраструктуры
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Научный журнал Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологииThe scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology
Online media
issn 2310-6018

AIOps system software module architecture for collecting and processing IT infrastructure time series

idKamenev A.S. Sakharov Y.S.  

UDC УДК 004.042
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2023.42.3.027

  • Abstract
  • List of references
  • About authors

The article examines the problem of collecting time series data by AIOps system for monitoring the IT infrastructure with subsequent processing of the received data in real time. The relevance of the study is due to the growing interest in systems of this class on the part of large enterprises and organizations with a high degree of production process digitalization. In its turn, the organization of the process of collecting such information is conditioned by a number of features: firstly, software modules must be designed taking into account a significant load (collection and processing of about 10 million metrics per minute); secondly, end devices are not often used to collect data, other monitoring systems are employed instead. It is also required to consider the current state of the IT infrastructure characterized by its dynamism caused by the development and widespread implementation of hardware virtualization technologies, application containerization and automated configuration management. Based on a comparison of approaches to the collection and processing of time series data implemented in various monitoring tools, the paper concludes that the application and development of the Prometheus approach in AIOps monitoring systems is promising. The authors offer their own version of the adaptation and development of this approach. Distinctive features of the proposed option are a multi-status model of thresholds with a lifetime as well as the indirect establishment of links between objects in the resource-service model and the collected metric information, which helps to implement the functionality required by enterprises for collecting and processing metrics for an AIOps monitoring system under the conditions of high load and dynamism of modern IT infrastructure. In conclusion, the results of the developed software module preliminary testing are presented, and the possibility of using the approach proposed by the authors to implement the function of controlling the degree of monitoring object coverage is underscored. Currently, the described version of the architecture is used in the commercial software product "MONQ" and is being tested in several key Russian enterprises.

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Kamenev Aleksey Sergeevich

Email: akamdragon@yandex.ru


Dubna State University
Monq Digital Lab LLC, CTO

Dubna, the Russian Federation

Sakharov Yuri Serafimovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Dubna State University

Dubna, the Russian Federation

Keywords: monitoring system, time series, IT service, resource-service model, service management system, AIOps, big data

For citation: Kamenev A.S. Sakharov Y.S. AIOps system software module architecture for collecting and processing IT infrastructure time series. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2023;11(3). Available from: https://moitvivt.ru/ru/journal/pdf?id=1409 DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2023.42.3.027 (In Russ).


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Received 03.08.2023

Revised 29.08.2023

Accepted 27.09.2023

Published 30.09.2023