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Научный журнал Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологииThe scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology
Online media
issn 2310-6018

Intelligent hand gesture-based quadcopter motion control system

idChernyshev N.N. Shevchenko M.A.   idNizhenets T.V.

UDC 004.89

  • Abstract
  • List of references
  • About authors

The relevance of this research stems from the fact that controlling a drone using hand gestures is more natural and intuitive than using traditional joysticks. This allows users to easily learn control and focus on task execution rather than technical aspects of operation. In turn, developing a gesture recognition system requires advancements in machine learning-based image processing algorithms. This paper aims to investigate the feasibility of implementing drone motion control using hand gestures in conjunction with modern neural network technologies. The main approach in addressing this problem involves the application of convolutional artificial neural networks for image processing and computer vision tasks. The work also explores methods for hyperparameter optimization using the Optuna tool, the use of TensorFlow Lite for implementing machine learning models on resource-constrained devices, and the application of the MediaPipe library for gesture analysis. Technologies such as Dropout and L2-regularization are used to enhance model efficiency. The materials presented in this paper hold practical value for researchers in the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics, software developers, and companies involved in the development of unmanned aerial vehicles.

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Chernyshev Nikolay Nikolaevich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Email: chernyshev@mirea.ru

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MIREA – Russian Technological University

Moscow, Russian Federation

Shevchenko Mikhail Andreevich

MIREA – Russian Technological University

Moscow, Russian Federation

Nizhenets Tatyana Vladimirovna

ORCID | eLibrary |

MIREA – Russian Technological University

Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: quadcopter, hand gestures, computer vision, convolutional neural networks, artificial neural networks, hyperparameter optimization, control

For citation: Chernyshev N.N. Shevchenko M.A. Nizhenets T.V. Intelligent hand gesture-based quadcopter motion control system. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2024;12(2). Available from: https://moitvivt.ru/ru/journal/pdf?id=1603 DOI: (In Russ).


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Received 10.06.2024

Revised 21.06.2024

Accepted 25.06.2024

Published 30.06.2024