Keywords: information system, software robot, generalized structure, classification of software robots, operational consultant, smart assistant, decision making
Generalized internal structure of a smart assistant (a software robot) for operational support of decision making in the organization
UDC 004.896:004.584
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.47.4.002
The article discusses the features of using a software robot to support decision-making in an organization under uncertainty. It is noted that one of the technologies that can significantly improve the efficiency of user interaction with digital devices is smart assistants. It is proposed to consider the concept of a "smart assistant" as a software robot capable of analyzing data, identifying patterns and providing recommendations to the user on decision-making. Promising areas of application of a smart assistant are proposed depending on their functional features and possible communication channels with the user. A list of possible options for synchronizing a smart assistant with corporate information systems is considered. Models that allow a smart assistant to provide decision support functionality are considered. A comparative analysis of two options for organizing a decision support module is carried out and practical recommendations are proposed for using a combined option that involves the use of various approaches to ensure highly efficient operation of a smart assistant. A generalized internal structure of a smart assistant in a graphical format and a variant of classifying software robots according to various criteria are proposed. The proposed version of a smart assistant allows achieving high accuracy and reliability of recommendations while maintaining the speed of the software robot's response to user requests and can be used to create specialized decision support systems adapted to the specific needs of an organization.
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Keywords: information system, software robot, generalized structure, classification of software robots, operational consultant, smart assistant, decision making
For citation: Kalach A.V., Smolentseva T.E., Akatiev Y.A. Generalized internal structure of a smart assistant (a software robot) for operational support of decision making in the organization. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2024;12(4). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.47.4.002 (In Russ).
Received 24.08.2024
Revised 15.09.2024
Accepted 04.10.2024