Keywords: virtualized computing and communication resources, metaheuristic methods, multidimensional vector packaging, ant colony optimization algorithm, data processing center
An algorithm for redistributing virtualized computing and communication resources of a data center based on ACS metaheuristics
UDC 004.021
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.46.3.005
The redistribution of virtualized computing and communication resources in data centers is a significant problem in the context of cloud technologies, making it difficult to ensure the stable functioning of services. These services must meet the criteria for quality of service, performance evaluation, and terms of service contracts imposed by cloud service providers. The main goal of the redistribution of virtualized computing and communication resources is the optimal placement of a subset of active virtual machines on a minimum number of physical machines, taking into account their multidimensional needs for computing and communication resources. Which will significantly improve the efficiency of a virtualized data center. The problem of redistributing computing and communication resources of a data processing center falls under the class of problems defined as "NP-hard" problems, since it involves a vast space of solutions. Therefore, more time is needed to find the optimal option. In previous studies of a number of such problems, it has been proven that metaheuristic strategies make it possible to find acceptable solutions in a suitable time. The article proposes to use a modified version of the ant colony metaheuristic algorithm to solve the problem of redistributing computing and communication resources between virtual machines of a data processing center, considered within the framework of the multidimensional vector packaging problem.
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Keywords: virtualized computing and communication resources, metaheuristic methods, multidimensional vector packaging, ant colony optimization algorithm, data processing center
For citation: Bumazhkina N.Y. An algorithm for redistributing virtualized computing and communication resources of a data center based on ACS metaheuristics. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2024;12(3). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.46.3.005 .
Received 01.07.2024
Revised 09.07.2024
Accepted 17.07.2024
Published 30.09.2024