Keywords: communication and computing systems, functional reliability, telecommunication systems, topology, routing, dynamic structure
Ensuring functional reliability of telecommunication systems based on topological resource
UDC 004.72
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.46.3.024
Modern special-purpose communication and computing systems perform tasks, first of all, to deliver information between spatially distributed bodies involved in solving network-centric control problems. Modern communication and computing systems are characterized by a transition to a hybrid structure, a decentralized network architecture, which predetermines the formation of a single information space based on the integration of different departmental affiliations information systems, and created on the basis of various methodological and technological platforms. In this work, topological and resource approaches are used as approaches that allow us to study the properties of local information systems from a unified methodological position. The conceptual basis was the proposition that a promising approach to routing in conditions of dynamic changes in the state of a telecommunication system is the formation of a backup message delivery paths set, which will increase the reliability and stability of the system. The features of the backup paths formation are determined, limiting the possibility of mechanical transfer of backup methods developed for technical systems to the TCS area. A metric has been proposed that allows one to analyze possible paths for transmitting messages between the source node and the destination node based on a set of static and dynamic characteristics.
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Keywords: communication and computing systems, functional reliability, telecommunication systems, topology, routing, dynamic structure
For citation: Gvozdev V.E., Guzairov M.B., Rakipova A.S., Galimov R.R., Prykhodko V.E., Teplyashyn P.N. Ensuring functional reliability of telecommunication systems based on topological resource. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2024;12(3). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.46.3.024 (In Russ).
Received 26.08.2024
Revised 10.09.2024
Accepted 16.09.2024
Published 30.09.2024