Keywords: stochastic modeling, integrated system, distributed operation, multicluster system, optimization model, load forecasting
Analytical modeling of a multicluster special purpose system based on several monitoring scenarios
UDC 004.032:004.94
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.47.4.006
The article considers the problem and formulation of the task of modeling the optimal functioning of a multicluster special purpose system (MSPS), based on multi-scenario modeling. The problems associated with the uncertainty of sources and loads in the MSPS in the energy sector are becoming increasingly apparent due to the combination of large-scale renewable energy sources and multi-energy loads. Moreover, such scenarios pose great problems for the optimal functioning of the MSPS. The distributed MSPS in the energy sector is considered as an object of research, and a functioning model based on multi-scenario modeling is proposed to account for forecasting uncertainties arising in the case of distributed electricity generation and multi-energy loads. Traditional models for optimizing the work of the MSPS usually take into account only one deterministic work scenario, which can lead to certain limitations of work strategies. When optimizing, it is necessary to balance the problems with conservative optimization results caused by extreme scenarios and the high complexity of the model caused by the large sample size of the random sample scenario. To solve the above problems, an optimization model based on multi-scenario modeling is proposed for a load-side distributed MSPS in a multicluster system. The optimization model is also applicable to account for the uncertainties associated with distributed wind and solar energy sources and the randomness of load forecasting for cooling, heating and electricity needs.
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Keywords: stochastic modeling, integrated system, distributed operation, multicluster system, optimization model, load forecasting
For citation: Kamil W.A.K., Kochegarov M.V., Mutin D.I. Analytical modeling of a multicluster special purpose system based on several monitoring scenarios. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2024;12(4). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.47.4.006 (In Russ).
Received 10.10.2024
Revised 17.10.2024
Accepted 21.10.2024
Published 31.12.2024