Keywords: multicriteria problem, decision making, method of hierarchy analysis, weight coefficients, objective choice
Improving the objectivity of the decision-making process in relation to the tasks of sowing crops
UDC 519.816
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.47.4.012
The relevance of the study stems from the need to improve the efficiency and economic benefits of crop cultivation. The research in this paper is aimed at developing a decision support system that will improve the method of evaluating the accuracy of seeding units, allow pre-sowing adjustment of row crop seeders and reduce the workload of agronomists. The dotted-nested sowing method was considered, and the total coefficient of variation, dynamic coefficient of variation and accuracy were determined as criteria for assessing the unevenness of seed distribution in the row. As alternatives, soybean varieties “Alaska” and “Lisbon” of different fractions were studied at different design and operating parameters of the seeding unit, namely: the rotation speed of the seeding disk of the unit (15–55 rpm), the position of the seed wiper (from fully open hole to overlapped by 1/3 of the area of the hole), the diameter of the holes of the seeding disk (4–4.5 mm). The paper formulates the problem of decision-making theory within the framework of a specific research area. The problem is solved using the method of hierarchical analysis and complete enumeration. The article's materials are of practical use for agricultural enterprises, including pre-sowing rowed seeder settings.
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Keywords: multicriteria problem, decision making, method of hierarchy analysis, weight coefficients, objective choice
For citation: Strygin S.P., Konkina V.V., Pustovarov N.Y., Konovalcev A.S., Dudin M.A. Improving the objectivity of the decision-making process in relation to the tasks of sowing crops. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2024;12(4). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.47.4.012 (In Russ).
Received 14.10.2024
Revised 25.10.2024
Accepted 01.11.2024
Published 31.12.2024