Keywords: agent modeling, intelligent agents, the approach of building intelligent agents, predicting the state, machine learning
Building predictive agent models based on the inclusion of machine learning models in determining the state of agents
UDC 51–74
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.47.4.017
The field of agent modeling continues to evolve towards the creation of more intelligent agents. This raises the conceptual problem of finding a balance between the determinism of agents' behavior and the ability of these agents to learn and predict their condition. One of the potential ways to solve this problem is to consider the possibility of developing an intermediate approach in the creation of agents, in which agents maintain the determinism of their behavior, but at the same time are able to predict their condition and correct behavior. The article presents a new approach to building intelligent agents, which combines the classical approach of building agents based on a priori set rules and the application of machine learning methods in the rules of agent behavior. A mathematical description of the proposed function for calculating the state of an agent using machine learning models is presented, as well as an algorithm for calculating the states of agents in the model. An example of building an agent model using the proposed approach is also given. The proposed approach makes it possible to develop agent models of complex systems in which agents are reactive but are able to predict their state and take into account the predict in determining their current state.
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Keywords: agent modeling, intelligent agents, the approach of building intelligent agents, predicting the state, machine learning
For citation: Lisovenko A.S., Tarasov D.A., Shishmareva A.S. Building predictive agent models based on the inclusion of machine learning models in determining the state of agents. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2024;12(4). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.47.4.017 (In Russ).
Received 24.10.2024
Revised 08.11.2024
Accepted 13.11.2024
Published 31.12.2024