Keywords: data privacy, access blocking, PIN lock, privacy assessment, messenger security, personal data, set-theoretic analysis, application auto-locking, notification content hiding, user data protection
Implementation of a set-theoretic approach to obtain a numerical estimate of data privacy when using modules for blocking access to mobile applications
UDC 004.056.5
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2025.48.1.031
This paper considers the problem of assessing the confidentiality of data when using modules for blocking access to mobile applications. Messengers on the iOS17 platform were selected as an example. The relevance of the study is due to the need to increase the level of protection of user data in the face of growing threats to information security. The main goal is to obtain a numerical estimate, and the achievement of the goal is shown using the example of a comparative analysis of the confidentiality of data provided by the means of blocking applications VK, Telegram and WhatsApp. To achieve the goal, the methods of set-theoretical analysis and expert assessments were used. Key parameters for ensuring confidentiality (type and length of the lock code, use of biometrics, auto-lock time, etc.) were identified, normalized in the range [0,10]. The final score was calculated as the sum of the values of particle values for each application. The results showed that Telegram provides the highest level of confidentiality due to the ability to use more complex lock codes and strict security settings. VK is inferior to Telegram in a number of parameters, but demonstrates better results compared to WhatsApp, unless all parameters are forcibly disabled. The findings of the study can be used to improve data protection mechanisms in mobile applications, and the proposed methodology can be used for further research in the field of information security.
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Keywords: data privacy, access blocking, PIN lock, privacy assessment, messenger security, personal data, set-theoretic analysis, application auto-locking, notification content hiding, user data protection
For citation: Shulzhenko A.D., Kurpachenko D.M., Saveliev M.F. Implementation of a set-theoretic approach to obtain a numerical estimate of data privacy when using modules for blocking access to mobile applications. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2025;13(1). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2025.48.1.031 (In Russ).
Received 25.02.2025
Revised 05.03.2025
Accepted 10.03.2025