Keywords: distributed, online, pproximation, prediction
UDC 681.5
In this paper we consider the problem of formation of production resources in a distributed system. As a forecasting tool approximated the real values of the parameters of the eight versions of the tests (baseline values) in each series of tests as means of checking the optimality of the choice of method of approximation, the calculated relative forecast errors (for ninth, tenth and eleventh variants of the tests and test values). By type of location parameter values in the coordinate system with the x - numbered versions of the tests made the assumption that for forecasting of change of parameters in the first and the third task can be used linear approximation, while the second task of the hyperbolic approximation. The relative approximation errors at the forecast test values is equal to not more than 7% for the first task, 0% for the second task, and no more than 2% for the third problem.
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Keywords: distributed, online, pproximation, prediction
For citation: Zhilina A.A., Yankis T.M. THE FORECASTING PARAMETERS OF A DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM OF PRODUCTION RESOURCES. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2016;4(4). URL:аYankis_4_16_1.pdf DOI: (In Russ).
Published 31.12.2016