Keywords: comprehensive immune pharmacotherapy, erysipelas is an infectious disease, immune status, low-intensity ozone therapy
UDC 616.981.214.2:615.37
The article presents data on the optimization of complex immune pharmacotherapy of inflammatory erysipelatous skin disease. Presents a detailed analysis of erysipelas of infectious disease based on the pathogenesis, classification, criteria of severity and clinical manifestations. Description of the immune status was based on the dominant role of the microbial factor in the etiology of erysipelatous skin disease. The correction of immune changes have been investigated by pharmacological and non-pharmacological immunotherapy, in particular using high performance low-intensity laser therapy in the treatment of local inflammatory syndrome, classic plasmapheresis, ozone therapy, serum and other medicines
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Keywords: comprehensive immune pharmacotherapy, erysipelas is an infectious disease, immune status, low-intensity ozone therapy
For citation: Filippova O.V., Kosenko A.I. OPTIMIZATION OF COMPLEX IMMUNE PHARMACOTHERAPY OF INFLAMMATORY ERYSIPELATOUS SKIN DISEASES. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2017;5(1). URL: DOI: (In Russ).
Published 31.03.2017