Keywords: management, simulation modeling, decision making, optimization
UDC 681.3
The paper is devoted to modeling the work of the organization with the purpose of increase of efficiency of its functioning. Describes key components of model of business processes of the organization in which is implemented a set of commercial projects. Through the use of simulation modeling is shown to provide a comprehensive review of the development of the organization. The proposed model is based on the fact that you are using the performance of the system as a black box. Define all inputs and outputs for the first layer of the model, which are presented in the form of generators and terminators transaction. For the second layer analyses the main processes associated with the interaction between the organization and its contractors, that is considered material, information and financial flows. Management of financial flows is in the third layer of the model, it defines the structure of operations under accounts of accounting on the basis that there is a contractual relationship of the company and the requirements in the tax law. The article presents the simulation results, given in the simulation model parameters, it is shown that the value of the initial investment should be no less than 25% of the sales volume during the period of project implementation, which leads to the fact that the value of the risk ratio will lie in the range of 0,30-0,35.
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Keywords: management, simulation modeling, decision making, optimization
For citation: Ruzhitsky E., Korkin P.S. THE SIMULATION MODELING IN THE PROBLEM OF DISTRIBUTION OF INVESTMENT RESOURCES IN THE ORGANIZATION. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2018;6(1). URL: DOI: (In Russ).
Published 31.03.2018