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Научный журнал Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологииThe scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology
Online media
issn 2310-6018


Tselykh A.A.,  Dedulina M.A. 

UDC 519.179:316.2
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2018.23.4.019

  • Abstract
  • List of references
  • About authors

This paper provides results of a study on modeling actor-networks using such formalisms as hypergraphs, directed hypergraphs, hypernetworks, metagraphs, and nested metagraphs. The object of our research are actor-networks of sociotechnical systems in science and technology studies. We draw a parallel between the semantics of a fundamental mechanism of translation in an actor-network and the semantics of RDF-graph given by a 3- tuple of elements. We suggest using a 3-uniform directed hypergraph to model translation in an actor-network. The directed hyperedges represent, in a compact and natural way, the role of every actant, taking into account the orientation of a translation. To model «black box» in actor network, we suggest using hypernetworks and nested metagraphs. Packing a «black box» is equivalent to the emergence of a new functional unit, with a new name and new emergent properties. In terms of the theory of hypernetworks, «black box» in an actornetwork is a hypersimplex. Real assemblage in the basis of hypersimplex is mapped to the node in a higher-order network. The system property of emergency is held due to the emergence of hypersimplexes during the transitions between the levels. Nested metagraph model allows for the links both between elements on one level and on distinct levels that is critical for modeling agentivity of a «black box» as an actant in an actor-network. We This paper provides results of a study on modeling actor-networks using such formalisms as hypergraphs, directed hypergraphs, hypernetworks, metagraphs, and nested metagraphs. The object of our research are actor-networks of sociotechnical systems in science and technology studies. We draw a parallel between the semantics of a fundamental mechanism of translation in an actor-network and the semantics of RDF-graph given by a 3- tuple of elements. We suggest using a 3-uniform directed hypergraph to model translation in an actor-network. The directed hyperedges represent, in a compact and natural way, the role of every actant, taking into account the orientation of a translation. To model «black box» in actor network, we suggest using hypernetworks and nested metagraphs. Packing a «black box» is equivalent to the emergence of a new functional unit, with a new name and new emergent properties. In terms of the theory of hypernetworks, «black box» in an actornetwork is a hypersimplex. Real assemblage in the basis of hypersimplex is mapped to the node in a higher-order network. The system property of emergency is held due to the emergence of hypersimplexes during the transitions between the levels. Nested metagraph model allows for the links both between elements on one level and on distinct levels that is critical for modeling agentivity of a «black box» as an actant in an actor-network. We introduce graph theoretical models that allow for system studies of actor-networks using rich mathematical apparatus of a set theory (as well as fuzzy set theory). We believe our contribution will encourage the quick transition from mainly qualitative to quantitative studies in actor-network theory.

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Tselykh Aleksey Aleksandrovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Email: tselykh@sfedu.ru

Southern federal University

Taganrog, Russian Federation

Dedulina Marina Anatolievna
Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Email: madedyulina@sfedu.ru

Southern Federal University

Taganrog, Russian Federation

Keywords: actor-network theory, science and technology studies, hypersimplex, metagraph, sociosemantic network

For citation: Tselykh A.A., Dedulina M.A. GRAPH-THEORETIC APPROACHES TO MODELING ACTORNETWORKS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY STUDIES. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2018;6(4). URL: https://moit.vivt.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/TselykhDedyulina_4_18_1.pdf DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2018.23.4.019 (In Russ).


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Published 31.12.2018