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Научный журнал Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологииThe scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology
Online media
issn 2310-6018


Lapina T.I.   Petrik E.A.   Lapin D.V.   Kriushin E.A.  

UDC 681.326
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2018.23.4.036

  • Abstract
  • List of references
  • About authors

Approach to creation of a system of monitoring of parameters of accidental process on an example of creation of a control system of deformations of designs of potential and dangerous objects is considered. Measuring instruments of dynamic deformations of provision of structural elements of observed objects, the organization of a system of collecting, processing and analysis of technological data from measuring devices and their integration in real time, integration of diverse data and settlement modules the distributed system of information processing are offered. Approach to classification of measurements of deformations, formations of informative signs of the description of dynamics of accidental process and assessment of risk of emergency on a potential and dangerous object is offered. It is offered to carry out classification of these measurements on the basis of a method of the rationing of selective distributions allowing to lower computing complexity of the procedure of classification. The structure of a software and hardware complex of control of a condition of the processing equipment of the distributed industrial facilities including three subsystems is considered: a subsystem of collection of information from controlled knots of designs and preliminary data processing; subsystem of integration and accumulation (storage) of data; subsystem of the analysis of data and assessment of situations.

1. Lapin, D.V. Formirovanie sistemy priznakov dlya identifikatsii pol’zovatelya po dinamike vosproizvedeniya podpisi [Tekst] / D.V Lapin //Informatsionnoizmeritel'nye i upravlyayushchie sistemy. 2014. Vol.12. No.5. pp. 29-34.

2. Lapina, T.I Podkhod k avtomatizatsii identifikatsionnykh izmereniy signalov v telekommunikatsionnykh sistemakh [Tekst] / T.I.Lapina, D.V Lapin // Informatsionno-izmeritel'nye i upravlyayushchie sistemy. 2015. Vol.13. No. 6. pp. 63-67.

3. Lapina, T.I. Podkhod k klassifikatsii tsifrovykh signalov v sistemakh kontrolya dostupa/ T.I. Lapina, D.V.Lapin E.A., Petrik, Informatsionnoizmeritel'nye i upravlyayushchie sistemy. 2013. t.11, No. 9. pp. 58-64.

4. Patent No. 2475842 Rossiyskoy Federatsii Tsifrovoy mnogokomponentnyy datchik peremeshcheniy/ Milykh V.A., Lapin D.V., Lapina T.I., Zayavka No. 2011142722/08 ot 21.10.2011, opubl. 20.02.2013, Byul. No.5.

5. Patent No. 2475699 Rossiyskoy Federatsii Ustroystvo izmereniya parametrov pishushchego uzla/ Milykh V.A., Lapin D.V., Lapina T.I. Zayavka No. 2011113800/28, 08.04.2011, opubl., Byul. No.5.

6. Patent No. 469397 Rossiyskoy Federatsii Sposob biometricheskoy autentifikatsii po pocherku v komp'yuterizirovannoy sisteme kontrolya dostupa / Milykh V.A., Lapin D.V., Lapina T.I., Zayavka No. 2011140031/08, 30.09.2011, opubl. 10.12.2012, Byul. No.34.

Lapina Tatiana Ivanovna
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Email: lapinati@mail.ru

South-West State University

Kursk, Russian Federation

Petrik Elena Anatolievna
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Email: petrik.ea@mail.ru

South-West State University

Kursk, Russian Federation

Lapin Denis Vladimirovich

Email: lapindv@mail.ru

South-West State University

Kursk, Russian Federation

Kriushin Evgeny Aleksandrovich

Email: eugeniykr@yandex.ru

South-West State University

Kursk, Russian Federation

Keywords: constructional risk-analysis, systems of monitoring, rationing of data, structure of the software and hardware complex

For citation: Lapina T.I. Petrik E.A. Lapin D.V. Kriushin E.A. THE CONDITION MONITORING SYSTEM DESIGNS POTENTIALLY-DANGEROUS OBJECTS. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2018;6(4). Available from: https://moit.vivt.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/LapinaSoavtors_4_18_2.pdf DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2018.23.4.036 (In Russ).


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Published 31.12.2018