Keywords: expert evaluation, optimization modeling, control and supervisory activities, drugs
UDC 05.13.10
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2019.24.1.044
Ensuring the quality of medicines is currently one of the most important provisions of the state health policy. To reduce the risk of receipt of substandard and counterfeit medicines to the population, it is necessary to optimize the functioning of the current system of control and supervision activities aimed at the optimal use of available resources under specified conditions and restrictions. The main form of control and supervisory activities are inspections of objects of circulation of medicines or objects of control. To ensure an optimal plan for the audit, an optimization model is proposed that minimizes the number of objects included in the inspection plan, taking into account the limitation on planned costs and the necessary frequency of inspection of producers at risk. At the same time, the maximum number of tested drugs should be provided during the inspection of each object. A model refers to the problems of the multialternative optimization. A two-step procedure is proposed to solve this problem. A typical problem of discrete programming is solved – the problem of minimal coverage. When searching for the number of dominant solutions to the problem, basic variational procedures are used to obtain several solutions. To select the best option, it is proposed to use expert evaluation procedures. The developed optimization model is aimed at wide application in the work of the regional Department of Roszdravnadzor of the Voronezh region.
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Keywords: expert evaluation, optimization modeling, control and supervisory activities, drugs
For citation: Safonov I.V., L'vovich Y.E. EXPERT EVALUATION AND OPTIMIZATION MODELING OF CONTROL AND OVERSIGHT ACTIVITY ON ENSURING THE QUALITY OF DRUGS. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2019;7(1). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2019.24.1.044 (In Russ).
Published 31.03.2019