Keywords: inertial navigation system, optical-electronic system, electronic terrain map, electronic terrain map
UDC 629.7.05
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2019.24.1.030
The method of correction of inertial navigation system based on modern geoinformation technologies with the use of optical-electronic system and electronic terrain map, allowing determining the coordinates of the location of the unmanned aircraft in offline mode without the use of satellite and radio navigation, is developed. In this case, the current coordinates of the unmanned aircraft are determined with the help of inertial navigation system. Then these coordinates, taking into account the error accumulated after the last correction of the inertial navigation system, are entered into an electronic terrain map. Thus, the boundaries of the working area of the electronic terrain map are determined, which significantly reduces the computational cost. The correction of the current coordinates of the location of the unmanned aircraft from the optical-electronic system is carried out by two types of data - the geographical coordinates of the three known landmarks (identical points) of the area and the coordinates of the position of the unmanned aircraft relative to these landmarks (relative coordinates - range, height and lateral deviation). Determination of geographical coordinates of three identical points is made in the electronic terrain map on the basis of recognition of the received by the optical-electronic system image. The calculation of the relative coordinates of the unmanned aircraft is carried out by the triangle method with the circumscribed (inscribed) circle (sphere), the vertices of which are three identical points, with the determination of their coordinates in the associated coordinate system of the unmanned aircraft as a result of the corresponding image processing by the optical-electronic system.
1. Lopatkin D.V., Ippolitov S.V., Gubar M.N. The using of the triangulation method in problems of inter-aircraft navigation / D.V. Lopatkin, S.V. Ippolitov, M.N. Gubar // XIV Science. Industry. Defence. Collection of abstracts on the materials of ASaTC (Novosibirsk, 24th-26th of April, 2013). - Novosibirsk. NSTU. 2013. Pages 350-353.
2. Lopatkin D.V., Ippolitov S.V. The algorithm of determining parameters of the relative position of the unmanned aircraft in the group. XXXIX Gagarin's readings/ D.V. Lopatkin, S.V. Ippolitov // Collection of abstracts on the materials of International youth scientific conference (Moscow, 9th-13th of April 2013), part 3 - M.: MATI, 2013, page 88.
3. Lopatkin D.V., Ippolitov S.V. The method of synthesis of the algorithm for processing information about the relative parameters of the motion of an unmanned aircraft / D.V. Lopatkin, S.V. Ippolitov. // Aerospace technologies. Collection of abstracts on the materials of XVI ASaTC (Voronezh, 4th-5th of June 2013), Voronezh, VSTU, - 2013, pages 98-99.
Keywords: inertial navigation system, optical-electronic system, electronic terrain map, electronic terrain map
For citation: Sizov A.V., Ippolitov S.V., Savchenko A.Y., Malyshev V.A. METHOD OF AUTONOMOUS CORRECTION OF INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM OF UNMANNED AIRCRAFT ON THE BASIS OF MODERN GEOINFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2019;7(1). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2019.24.1.030 (In Russ).
Published 31.03.2019