Keywords: automated control systems, linguistic means, user interaction with a computer, dialogue structure
UDC 004.5:811
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2019.24.1.040
The goal of the paper was to examine the issue of linguistic support of automated control systems. In spite of streamlining the process of systems control, the problem of usercomputer interaction is still relevant. The article examined the linguistic support of automated control systems in the user-computer dialogue as an underexplored means of ensuring their interaction. The authors offered the classification of linguistic means as ways of maintaining the dialogue between a computer and a human being. They also suggested the language structures whose knowledge is essential for a user. Therefore, the paper considers the linguistic support of automated control systems for building technologies of user-computer interaction. The conditions of the system functioning in the dialogue mode are determined. The paper clarifies the scope and content of the concept “dialogue” as applied to the automated solution of economic problems in modern production. Thus, there were made some conclusions stated that the multipurpose dialogue with the management staff’s computer involves hardly feasible factors as well as circumstances of the current economic situation along with the stuff’s professional competence that affects the linguistic way of user-computer interaction.
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Keywords: automated control systems, linguistic means, user interaction with a computer, dialogue structure
For citation: Sviridov V.I., Choporova E.I., Sviridova E.V. LINGUISTIC SUPPORT OF AUTOMATED CONTROL SYSTEMS AS ONE OF THE SPECIAL FEATURES OF TECHNOLOGIES OF THE USER INTERACTION WITH THE COMPUTER. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2019;7(1). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2019.24.1.040 (In Russ).
Published 31.03.2019