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Научный журнал Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологииThe scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology
Online media
issn 2310-6018


Familnov A.R.,  Zarubin V.S.,  Morozov A.N. 

UDC 004.514
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2019.26.3.01

  • Abstract
  • List of references
  • About authors

The article deals with the quality assessment of user interfaces (UI) of computer programs based on the proposed mathematical model. Most often, the quality indicator of a UI is understood as the total time of elementary operations (actions) of users on UI elements (UIE) spent on solving a specific task. UIE means such interface elements as input fields, icons, various types of lists, tables, etc. The elementary actions are understood as finding, achieving and managing UIE. Сalculating the time to perform user actions can be quite complicated. This is due to the fact that for the calculation it is necessary to know which screen form and which computer program the UIE belongs to, and also in the solution of which problem it participates and in what sequence. The article proposes a conceptual model of IDUs based on the ER diagram, which includes entities describing the UIs and the relationships between them. Analytical dependences are obtained for the calculation of one of the components of the quality index of computer programs, namely, the time the user spent finding interface elements placed on the monitor. It is shown that the entities included in the ER-diagram are indexed sequences. To navigate in the ER-diagram, functions are proposed that allow you to find an element of a set by its index in the task profile, and vice versa - to find the index of a given element of the set. The calculation of the time spent by the user in finding the interface elements on the monitor is performed using Hick's law.

1. Morozov A.N., Zarubin V.S, Grishin S.A. To the question of assessing the quality of the user interface of the AWP of the centralized protection points / Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, No. 1. - Voronezh. Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2019. - p.45-50.

2. Raskin D. Interface: new directions in the design of computer systems. - SPb: Symbol plus, 2010 оutput.

Familnov Alexander Rudolfovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Email: alex_frost@mail.ru

Federal State Institution «Scientific Research Center «OKHRANA» of the Federal service of National Guard of the Russian Federation

Moscow, Russian Federation

Zarubin Vladimir Sergeevich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Federal State Institution «Scientific Research Center «OKHRANA» of the Federal service of National Guard of the Russian Federation

Moscow, Russian Federation

Morozov Aleksey Nikolaevich

Federal State Institution «Scientific Research Center «OKHRANA» of the Federal service of National Guard of the Russian Federation

Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: software, hick's law, user interface, quality indicators, quality criteria, quality assessment

For citation: Familnov A.R., Zarubin V.S., Morozov A.N. THE CALCULATE OF THE TIME COUNT SPENT ON A SELECTING OF SOFTWARE APPLICATION GUI ELEMENT. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2019;7(3). URL: https://moit.vivt.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/FamilnovSoavtori_3_19_1.pdf DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2019.26.3.01 (In Russ).


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Published 30.09.2019