Keywords: mathematical modeling, paper machine (PM), fractional calculus, fOMCON, pI-controller, pID-controller, design of control systems, automatic control, mATLAB tools
Using regulators with fractional degrees to control process parameters
UDC 62-551.4
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2020.31.4.030
Currently, there is a growing interest in dynamical systems of non-integer order. The development of the theory of fractional powers has aroused interest in the use of non-integer orders in control and regulation problems, in which the object of regulation and the controller are described by models of non-integer orders. Fractional order calculus offers flexible numerical capabilities that can be applied in the design of control systems. However, before the results of theoretical research can be transferred to industrial installations, it is important to study the effects of fractional flow controllers using laboratory experiments and simulations. This article discusses the concept of a fractional PID controller that includes an integrator and a non-integer order differentiator, and analyzes its behavior and characteristics. Practical aspects of setting up and implementing fractional order controllers for the paper web weight control system using FOMCON (a set of MATLAB tools for identifying and managing fractional order systems) are considered. The paper presents an example of implementation of PID controllers of fractional order for the control system of the pressure device of a paper machine (BDM). The results of modeling using classical PID controllers and using PID controllers with fractional powers are presented.
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Keywords: mathematical modeling, paper machine (PM), fractional calculus, fOMCON, pI-controller, pID-controller, design of control systems, automatic control, mATLAB tools
For citation: Lysova N.V., Myasnikova N.V. Using regulators with fractional degrees to control process parameters. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2020;8(4). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2020.31.4.030 (In Russ).
Published 31.12.2020