Оптимизация процесса распределения работ при управлении командной деятельностью в IT-компаниях с использованием машинного обучения
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Научный журнал Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологииThe scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology
Online media
issn 2310-6018

Optimization of the work distribution process for managing activities in IT companies using machine learning

Korchagin S.G.   Lvovich Y.E.  

UDC 681.3
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.34.3.004

  • Abstract
  • List of references
  • About authors

The purpose of this work is to optimize the work distribution process when working in an IT company using machine learning algorithms, which allows to reduce the load on the key team member - the manager, who is the master of the scrum. We consider a team in scrum according to the Takman model, highlighting 5 stages of development: formation, conflict, normalizing, executive, separation. To increase the time for micro-management within the team, it is proposed to automate routine processes using an optimization approach. It is shown that the most time-consuming part of this definition is the definition of the type of tasks. To do this, it is necessary to define the terms of reference, assign its components (tasks) to a specific type and entrust the implementation to the developer who will achieve the required result in the shortest possible time. The structure of the optimization model for the distribution of tasks between developers is considered. Preliminary classification of tasks by category, taking into account the capabilities of the team. The choice of a convolutional neural network and the use of deep machine learning for solving the classification problem has been substantiated. As the initial data when training the network at the initial stages of team development, it is proposed to use the texts of test tasks and their distribution by categories of project tasks.

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Korchagin Sergey Gennadevich

Voronezh State Technical University

Voronezh, Russian Federation

Lvovich Yakov Evseevich

Voronezh State Technical University

Voronezh, Russian Federation

Keywords: agile-methods, optimization, convolutional neural network, classification task, word encoding, recurrent neural networks

For citation: Korchagin S.G. Lvovich Y.E. Optimization of the work distribution process for managing activities in IT companies using machine learning. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2021;9(3). Available from: https://moitvivt.ru/ru/journal/pdf?id=932 DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.34.3.004 (In Russ).


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Received 11.03.2021

Revised 02.09.2021

Accepted 07.09.2021

Published 30.09.2021