К вопросу об оценке помехоустойчивости когерентного приема сигналов с различными видами манипуляций в системах радиоохраны в условиях воздействия структурных помех
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Научный журнал Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологииThe scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology
Online media
issn 2310-6018

The issue of assessing the noise immunity of coherent signal reception with various types of shift keying in radio security systems in the conditions of effects of structural interference

idGavrishev A.A. Osipov D.L.   Gimbitskij V.A.  

UDC 621.391
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.35.4.021

  • Abstract
  • List of references
  • About authors

Structural interference is one of the most dangerous for communication systems, for example, radio security systems. The article describes some of the known approaches to assessing noise immunity in conditions of structural interference. It is indicated that the analysis of the noise immunity of wireless data transmission systems under the influence of structural interference is analytically complex. The estimates of the noise immunity of coherent reception of signals with frequency and quadrature phase shift keying under the influence of structural noise have been developed, based on the approach proposed in [6, 13]. Using the developed estimates of noise immunity, graphs of the averaged dependence of the bit error probability on the signal-to-noise ratio were constructed. Based on the graphs obtained and the approach from [6, 10], it is shown that coherent reception of signals with quadrature phase shift keying under the influence of structural noise at fixed values ​​of the bit error probability provides more efficient signal reception compared to coherent reception of signals with frequency shift keying. The obtained probabilistic values ​​in the long term will allow planning measures both for setting up structural interference and for protecting against them in radio security systems. In addition, the research carried out can be useful to the developers and manufacturers of radio security systems. Further research in this area is seen as promising, in particular, the use of complex noise-like signals, for example, chaotic signals, to counteract structural interference.

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Gavrishev Aleksey Andreevich


North-Caucasus Federal University

Stavropol, Russian Federation

Osipov Dmitrij Leonidovich
Candidate Of Technical Sciences

North-Caucasus Federal University

Stavropol, Russian Federation

Gimbitskij Vjacheslav Ananevich
Candidate Of Technical Sciences

Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov Higher Air Force School

Krasnodar, Russian Federation

Keywords: radio security systems, phase shift keying, frequency shift keying, structural interference, noise immunity

For citation: Gavrishev A.A. Osipov D.L. Gimbitskij V.A. The issue of assessing the noise immunity of coherent signal reception with various types of shift keying in radio security systems in the conditions of effects of structural interference. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2021;9(4). Available from: https://moitvivt.ru/ru/journal/pdf?id=1004 DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.35.4.021 (In Russ).


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Received 14.06.2021

Revised 25.11.2021

Accepted 24.12.2021

Published 31.12.2021