Keywords: validation and verification, graph models, behavior and class diagrams, quality model, ontologies, quality characteristics
Methodology of designing automated control systems for dedicated organizational and technical systems
UDC УДК 004.05
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.35.4.019
The successful implementation of projects on the creation of automated control systems for special organizational and technical systems largely depends on the quality of the complex requirements presented to them, as well as the completeness and accuracy of their execution in design solutions. A necessary condition for solving these tasks is the creation of a model-language and information-software environment that is uniform for all participants in the development of such systems and the implementation of a software-controlled process for justifying requirements, designing, and implementing the project. It is proposed to use the concepts and methods of model-oriented system and software engineering, ontological models, and visual modeling languages as a conceptual and technological basis for this approach implementation. To implement the software-driven process of developing a set of requirements and design solutions are built and used design patterns created based on the ontology "Quality Model of software and hardware complexes" and UML diagrams of uses, behaviors, and classes. The quality model requirements set consists of the characteristics of requirements set as a whole (completeness, consistency, non-redundancy, systematicity) and the characteristics of individual requirements (internal completeness, accuracy, unambiguity, traceability, verifiability, and modifiability). The quality of the formal models of the criteria set and the design solutions are checked by validating and verifying them in the Neo4j graph database environment using dedicated test queries in the Cypher language.
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Keywords: validation and verification, graph models, behavior and class diagrams, quality model, ontologies, quality characteristics
For citation: Baev A.V., Samonov A.V., Safonov V.M. Methodology of designing automated control systems for dedicated organizational and technical systems. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2021;9(4). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.35.4.019 (In Russ).
Received 12.10.2021
Revised 15.12.2021
Accepted 21.12.2021
Published 31.12.2021