Keywords: radioelectronic device, printed circuit assembly, element placement algorithm, modeling, optimization, electric radioelement, computer-aided design system, temperature regime, reliability
An algorithm for optimizing the placement of the printing unit elements taking into account the thermal operating modes of the device
UDC УДК 621.396.69
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.35.4.032
The problem of optimal electrical radioelements placement on the mounting plane of the printed circuit assembly is one of the key ones in ensuring the reliability and quality of the electronic devices being developed. When solving it, a specialist has to work in a space of conflicting indicators, conditions and restrictions. To provide normal thermal conditions, for example, it is necessary to consider the values of the power dissipated by the elements, their operating temperatures, take into account the fact that the components differ in weight and size parameters and characteristics of materials. Similar tasks must be dealt with both when securing the mechanical strength of the developed unit and when addressing the issues of electromagnetic compatibility. These aspects must be regarded at the earliest stages of design as they directly affect the performance of the finished product. The article presents an algorithm for handling the optimization problem of placing elements on a printed circuit board with due regard for the temperature values of the elements and the power dissipated by them, which makes it possible to improve the thermal modes of the device operation without using additional design solutions and forced cooling means. The tool for developing the algorithm was specialized computer-aided design systems, including engineering analysis and calculation tools, as well as the high-level C # programming language. The materials of the article are of practical value for developers of radio-electronic devices, solving the problem of ensuring their reliability and performance characteristics at all stages of the product life cycle.
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Keywords: radioelectronic device, printed circuit assembly, element placement algorithm, modeling, optimization, electric radioelement, computer-aided design system, temperature regime, reliability
For citation: Chernoverskaya V.V., Uvaysov S.U., Florova I.A., Kuang D.A., Thanh Z.V. An algorithm for optimizing the placement of the printing unit elements taking into account the thermal operating modes of the device. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2021;9(4). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.35.4.032 (In Russ).
Received 06.11.2021
Revised 22.12.2021
Accepted 28.12.2021
Published 31.12.2021