Адаптивное управление магнитотерапией с использованием биотехнических обратных связей по импедансу биологически активных точек в физиотерапии ишемических больных
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Научный журнал Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологииThe scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology
Online media
issn 2310-6018

Adaptive control of magnetotherapy by means of biotechnical feedback on the impedance of biologically active points in physiotherapy of ischemic patients

Miroshnikov A.V.,  idPetrunina E.V., Pavlenko A.V.,  Protasova Z.O.,  Shekhine M.T.,  Shulga L.V. 

UDC 004.89
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2022.36.1.023

  • Abstract
  • List of references
  • About authors

The article examines a biotechnical system of rehabilitation and treatment of ischemic patients. A generalized structural diagram of rehabilitation of patients with high ischemic risk by exposing them to magnetic fields with controlled biotropic parameters is presented. The scheme allows building a model of the living system functional state and implementing adaptive control of magnetotherapy through biotechnical feedback on surrogate markers. A biotechnical system of magnetotherapy for patients with coronary heart disease has been developed. Biotechnical feedback was introduced into the system, which enabled it to adapt the magnetotherapy program to the functional state of the patient and correct it during the therapeutic session. Adjusting the therapeutic magnetic field parameters made it possible to increase the therapeutic effect of the physiotherapeutic procedure, reduce the adaptation and negative reactions of the body to magnetotherapy, and plan magnetotherapy programs. To implement the feedback, which ensures the adaptation of the magnetic field biotropic parameters to the functional state of the patient, we used information about the impedance of biologically active points and ischemic risk classifiers, the descriptors of which were determined on the basis of this information. An algorithm for controlling the biotropic parameters of the magnetic field by means of the functional state multimodal classifiers of the patient and a fuzzy inference module, designed to correct the biotropic parameters of the magnetic field in the course of a magnetic therapy session, is given. In a clinical setting, it was shown that the application of adaptive magnetic therapy is an effective method of treating patients with angina pectoris II and III of functional classes (85% and 77%, respectively), which is 14% and 15% higher than the corresponding results in the control group.

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Miroshnikov Andrey Valerievich

Southwestern State University

Kursk, Russian Federation

Petrunina Elena Valer'evna
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Moscow State University for the Humanities and Economics

Moscow, Russian Federation

Pavlenko Andrey Vitalievich

Southwestern State University

Kursk, Russian Federation

Protasova Zeynab Osama

Southwestern State University

Kursk, Russian Federation

Shekhine Mohamad Tufik
Candidate of Technical Sciences

Kursk State Medical University

Kursk, Russian Federation

Shulga Leonid Vasilievich
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Professor

Southwestern State University

Kursk, Russian Federation

Keywords: ischemic risk, adaptive magnetotherapy, biotechnical system, biologically active point, neural network, fuzzy control module, base of fuzzy decision rules, algorithm

For citation: Miroshnikov A.V., Petrunina E.V., Pavlenko A.V., Protasova Z.O., Shekhine M.T., Shulga L.V. Adaptive control of magnetotherapy by means of biotechnical feedback on the impedance of biologically active points in physiotherapy of ischemic patients. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2022;10(1). URL: https://moitvivt.ru/ru/journal/pdf?id=1134 DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2022.36.1.023 (In Russ).


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Received 06.02.2022

Revised 26.02.2022

Accepted 14.03.2022

Published 31.03.2022