Keywords: circulation control system, mobile equipment, identification tags, visual tags, QR code, RFID, bluetooth, BLE
Means of optical and radio frequency identification in the technological process of automated control of mobile on-board equipment circulation
UDC 656.714
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2022.36.1.003
The relevance of developing multicomponent means of identifying mobile on-board equipment is due to the increasing requirements for the quality and routine maintenance speed of aircraft. This article analyzes the problems of existing methods for controlling mobile on-board equipment circulation of civil aviation aircraft. The tasks, solved by the equipment circulation control system in the course of loading and unloading mobile on-board kitchen equipment, its transportation, downtime in remote warehouses at destination airports, are formulated. The main problem, solved by the mobile on-board kitchen equipment circulation control system, is the identification of each equipment unit in a reliable manner. To address this issue, various options for automatic contactless identification of mobile equipment, based on RFID, QR-coding, Bluetooth technologies, are proposed. As a result, each unit of equipment receives its own unique digital identifier, which is stored and tracked throughout the entire life cycle in the enterprise information system. The architecture of the mobile equipment circulation control system is presented, including subsystems for generating visual tags, programming identification tags (RFID, BLE), registration, disposal, control of loading, unloading, stocktaking, search, and etc. The application of the mobile equipment circulation control system, which is a part of the technological process of aircraft service maintenance at an airport, is outlined. The advantages of the devised system for controlling the loading/unloading of on-board equipment are demonstrated.
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Keywords: circulation control system, mobile equipment, identification tags, visual tags, QR code, RFID, bluetooth, BLE
For citation: Styskin M.M., Stepanov P.V., Zheltov S.Y., Sokolov B.V., Ronzhin A.L. Means of optical and radio frequency identification in the technological process of automated control of mobile on-board equipment circulation. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2022;10(1). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2022.36.1.003 (In Russ).
Received 25.01.2022
Revised 07.02.2022
Accepted 16.02.2022
Published 31.03.2022