Keywords: digital environment, probabilistic estimates, life cycle, resource allocation, component optimization
Component optimization of an evolving digital management environment in organizational systems
UDC 004:054
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2022.37.2.013
The article deals with the formation of optimization models for component optimization of a digital management environment in organizational systems based on probabilistic assessments of component functional requirements fulfilment and estimation of the components implementation influence parameters on the achievement of established requirements. Methods and algorithms for calculating the parameters of digital environment components implementation influence on the achievement of established requirements are considered. As a principal method, it is proposed to use multi-alternative optimization and choosing the option of component integration into a single digital environment that provides the specified requirements for the functioning of a digitalized organizational system. Special attention is given to evaluating the functionality of digital environment components to determine the suitability of a component or a need to replace it in case of non-compliance with the specified requirements at the stage of its development. Boundary conditions for the transition from the stage of functioning to the stage of digital environment development are regarded in terms of fulfilling the established requirements for organizational system parameters and developing control actions: further operation of the component or its replacement; introduction of a new component to meet new system requirements; adjustment of component functionality under the conditions of the system unchanged structure.
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Keywords: digital environment, probabilistic estimates, life cycle, resource allocation, component optimization
For citation: Ryndin N.A. Component optimization of an evolving digital management environment in organizational systems. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2022;10(2). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2022.37.2.013 (In Russ).
Received 04.02.2022
Revised 29.04.2022
Accepted 25.05.2022
Published 30.06.2022