Системные модели управления ресурсами противопожарной службы Вьетнама
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Научный журнал Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологииThe scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology
Online media
issn 2310-6018

System models of Vietnam fire service resources management

idMinaev V.A., Ovsyanik A.I.,  Kieu T.A. 

UDC 614.841
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2022.37.2.007

  • Abstract
  • List of references
  • About authors

The intensification of research related to solutions to the problems of fire service optimal management is aimed at systematic consideration of the territorial differences of fire risks, the targeted use of its diverse resources, providing an economical mode of their expenditure, based on the multidimensional classification of the fire situation, principles and models of the active systems theory. The article continues the development of these promising ideas with reference to personnel, logistical, financial and other resources of fire service. Insufficient coverage of these areas in systemic research hinders the development of effective methodological and technological solutions to purposefully reduce fire risks and damage from fires. Identification of promising areas in the field of fire risk modeling with due account for the impact of anti-fire service resource provision on them, as well as the construction of a system of practical models for optimal management of its resources in order to reduce the tension of the fire situation. The main methods employed are the optimal approximation of empirical data, methods of the active systems theory, multidimensional classification of objects, such as territorial clusters that characterize different fire conditions in the provinces of Vietnam. Drawing on theoretical and experimental studies, the dependences of the resource provision of various types (fire trucks, logistics, etc.) on the number of firefighters in various districts of Vietnam have been determined. Based on the findings, a methodology for the territorial-dynamic allocation of fire service resources was developed. The conclusion is made about its scientific and practical novelty in comparison with existing approaches. The results of the research show that by contrasting the existing administrative structure of Vietnam and the results of classifying its territories into homogeneous groups (clusters) according to the fire situation, it is possible to apply the calculations given in the article to a more efficient and focused management of fire service resources. Fire trucks in the administrative districts of Vietnam can be distributed optimally by projected values of firefighters in the country and projected number of fires in the districts. It is advisable to connect other resources of the fire service with the forecast calculations outlined above, utilizing either traditional normative estimates or new algorithms based on the development of model studies.

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Minaev Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Dr. Tech. Sciences, Professor
Email: m1va@yandex.ru


Moscow University of the MIA of Russian Federation named after V. Ya. Kikot

Moscow, Russian Federation

Ovsyanik Aleksandr Ivanovich
Dr. Tech. Sciences, Professor
Email: ovsyanik58@gmail.com

the State Fire Service Academy of the Russia EMERCOM

Moscow, Russian Federation

Kieu Tuan Anh

Email: kieuk3@gmail.com

the State Fire Service Academy of the Russia EMERCOM

Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: vietnam, fire service, resources, modeling, optimal territorial allocation

For citation: Minaev V.A., Ovsyanik A.I., Kieu T.A. System models of Vietnam fire service resources management. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2022;10(2). URL: https://moitvivt.ru/ru/journal/pdf?id=1166 DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2022.37.2.007 (In Russ).


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Received 03.04.2022

Revised 22.04.2022

Accepted 28.04.2022

Published 30.06.2022