Keywords: multi-component organizational system, personnel adaptation, digital management, expert assessment, optimization
Optimizing the adaptation process in the organization of personnel team activities in the context of management digitalization of a multicomponent organizational system
UDC 681.3
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2022.39.4.002
The paper deals with the optimization approach to the team adaptation of personnel in the implementation of digital management in a multicomponent organizational system. It is shown that the effectiveness of the adaptation process is influenced by the content and resource components. At the same time, the first element is a set of content components that determine the development of innovative competencies in personnel and the fulfillment of new work obligations; the second is the time and financial resources provided to arrange the process of personnel adaptation. The structuring of content components is carried out with a focus on certain sets of competencies and work obligations that are most characteristic of digital management in multicomponent organizational systems. Primary structuring is an expert one and partially performs a reduction function. The final reduction of expert sets of components is undertaken by optimizing their significance and mutual influence taking into consideration the planned duration of the adaptation process. Optimization aimed at improving the efficiency of personnel team adaptation is based on expert assessments of time cycle impact on the degree of content component mastery in three modes: intensive, inertial, accelerated. This accounts for the planned duration of the adaptation process and the order of components precedence when they are mastered by the team.
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Keywords: multi-component organizational system, personnel adaptation, digital management, expert assessment, optimization
For citation: Lvovich K.I., Preobrazhenskiy A.P. Optimizing the adaptation process in the organization of personnel team activities in the context of management digitalization of a multicomponent organizational system. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2022;10(4). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2022.39.4.002 (In Russ).
Received 15.10.2022
Revised 01.11.2022
Accepted 14.11.2022
Published 31.12.2022