Keywords: IT education methodology, distance learning, individual learning path, digital transformation, microlearning, fuzzy logic, virtual computer lab
Use of fuzzy logic to create an adaptive individual learning path based on dynamic course complexity management
UDC 510.676, 519.7
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2022.39.4.018
The article presents a model for creating an adaptive individual learning path based on dynamic control of the course complexity using fuzzy logic methods. The model helps to individually manage the complexity of the training course for each student and to formalize the process of solving practical tasks and feedback from students motivating them to study productively taking into account personal characteristics and preferences. Implementation of such models and corresponding systems in the training process enables teachers to choose the most appropriate tasks for each student with due regard for individual characteristics and personality. The approach allows teachers to allocate more time for scientific, methodological and creative work, especially with the option to distribute educational materials in the form of microlearning, where a large number of students, usually studying online, is invited to perform many small practical tasks. Also, adaptive learning paths are designed to promote the development of adaptive thinking and adaptive strategies for students behavior. The individual learning path is an important element of online learning management system in the cloud environment of "Virtual Computer Lab" educational data center created by M.A. Belov ( in 2007 at the Institute of System Analysis and Control of Dubna State University, the hallmark of which are the principles of self-organization.
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Keywords: IT education methodology, distance learning, individual learning path, digital transformation, microlearning, fuzzy logic, virtual computer lab
For citation: Belov M.A., Grishko S.I., Zhivetyev A.V., Podgorny S.A., Tokareva N.A. Use of fuzzy logic to create an adaptive individual learning path based on dynamic course complexity management. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2022;10(4). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2022.39.4.018 (In Russ).
Received 24.11.2022
Revised 03.12.2022
Accepted 27.12.2022
Published 31.12.2022