Keywords: solar energy, renewable energy sources, aspects and operation of a solar power plant implementation, forecasting solar energy generation, forecasting methods
Forecasting and evaluation of energy generation at solar power plants: the state of the problem and development trends
UDC 004.942:621.311
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.44.1.008
The paper considers the relevant issues related to the problem of calculations and forecasting in the production of solar electricity as a renewable energy source. To detect problems, the initial data for modeling and their sources have been identified. Renewable energy sources are systematized and an example is given for each. An analysis of the state of the global energy market and the state of government policy in the field of energy in Russia has underscored the need to address solar energy issues and solve the problems of forecasting electricity generation. This is important not only due to the availability of resources, but also to environmental friendliness. The classification of existing models and methods for forecasting SES energy generation is examined. Existing methods allow calculations to predict the power generation capacity, but they give average figures for the year. New technological and innovative methods are required to solve the existing problem. The key factors and aspects of the introduction and operation of a solar power plant are presented. The main difficulty in forecasting is taking into account a variety of nonlinear characteristics. An attempt to solve this problem is proposed. An overview of the state of the problem and trends in the development of solar energy is made, among which the main problems are identified and solutions are outlined.
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Keywords: solar energy, renewable energy sources, aspects and operation of a solar power plant implementation, forecasting solar energy generation, forecasting methods
For citation: Azhmukhamedov I.M., Loba I.S., Machueva D.A. Forecasting and evaluation of energy generation at solar power plants: the state of the problem and development trends. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2024;12(1). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.44.1.008 (In Russ).
Received 12.01.2024
Revised 06.02.2024
Accepted 13.02.2024
Published 31.03.2024