Keywords: subsea production system, metal seal, stress-strain state, tubing hanger, underwater fountain fittings, contact pressure, quality theory, optimization
Determination of the optimal geometric parameters of the metal seal of the tubing hanger
UDC 621.887.663::622.324.5
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2025.48.1.017
Operation of underwater complex hydrocarbon production systems is accompanied by increased risks of emergency situations, in particular, leaks and emissions due to loss of sealing between the underwater fountain fittings and the tubing hanger. Emissions and leaks during operation of underwater wells can lead to such irreversible consequences as loss of produced products and harm to the environment, as well as damage to expensive equipment, which requires expensive and technically complex repairs. For this reason, in the process of experimental design work on the design of this type of equipment, it is necessary to carry out high-quality and effective calculation support for the developed metal seals, allowing for determining their optimal geometry. The authors have developed a mathematical model for determining the stress-strain state of a metal seal of the tubing hanger, taking into account its rigidity characteristics. To determine the optimal geometry of a metal seal, the theory of qualities was used, based on which the overall quality of a metal seal was assessed by its strength and tightness. For the tightness and strength of a metal seal, particular quality functions were constructed, which are combined into an objective function using the Kolmagorov-Nagumo functional average. The results of optimizing the standard geometric parameters of a metal seal of a prototype of a tubing hanger according to the proposed method are presented. The information contained in this publication is useful to engineering and scientific professionals involved in the development and research of methods for ensuring the tightness of underwater connections using metallic seals.
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Keywords: subsea production system, metal seal, stress-strain state, tubing hanger, underwater fountain fittings, contact pressure, quality theory, optimization
For citation: Timofeev E., Godenko A., Tarasova I. Determination of the optimal geometric parameters of the metal seal of the tubing hanger. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2025;13(1). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2025.48.1.017 (In Russ).
Received 16.01.2025
Revised 29.01.2025
Accepted 06.02.2025