Keywords: morbidity analysis, multilevel monitoring, time-series analysis, exponential smoothing, geographical units’ classification
UDC 681.3
In the course of multilevel monitoring of disease morbidity the authors propose a succession of stages for carrying out data mining: 1) formation of informative database; 2) comparative data analysis according to distinct geographical units; 3) analysis of a current state, dynamics of the analyzed indices and forecasting their changes; 4) interrelation analysis of the population morbidity indices and resources provision and work of a psychiatric service; 5) classification of the Region’s areas according to morbidity level of the analyzed pathology. The authors offer a complex of methods and means, allowing solving the original problems.
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Keywords: morbidity analysis, multilevel monitoring, time-series analysis, exponential smoothing, geographical units’ classification
For citation: Choporov O.N., Zolotukhin O.O., Bolgov S.V. ALGORITHMIZATION OF DISEASE MORBIDITY DATA MINING AT REGIONAL AND MUNICIPAL LEVELS. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2015;3(2). URL: DOI: (In Russ).
Published 30.06.2015