Keywords: fractal compression, algorithm, image, iteration
UDC 381.3
This paper deals with the problem related to fractal image processing, the advantages of this treatment. Describes the main steps of unpacking images: it creates the prototype, the scale factor is determined, an affine transformation is happening in the regions. Listed the advantages and disadvantages of the affine transformation. Marked evaluation criteria images, which are determined by the dynamic range and graded contents, geometric proportions. Describe the basic forms of a software product, allowing fractal image processing. The test example, which entered the appropriate settings of decompression.
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Keywords: fractal compression, algorithm, image, iteration
For citation: Druzhinin M.A. THE IMAGE PROCESSING BASED ON FRACTAL APPROACH. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2016;4(4). URL: DOI: (In Russ).
Published 31.12.2016