Keywords: professional standard, labor action, required knowledge, required skills, the model parameters of connectivity, job description, automation development
UDC 681.3.07
The necessity of amending local acts the service personnel on the basis of professional standards is justified. The structure of the professional standard is shown. The model of the professional standard on the basis of a bipartite graph is built. The model allows you to enter and calculate the parameters of the connectivity of the chain of necessary knowledge or the necessary skills and the option of connectivity each labor action. The entered parameters are proposed to use for the automation of forming the content of job descriptions. The duplicate labor action in the description of different positions is excluded. Required knowledge and skills stand out, which is a maximum demand for sector specific professional standard.
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Keywords: professional standard, labor action, required knowledge, required skills, the model parameters of connectivity, job description, automation development
For citation: Fionova L.R. CONSTRUCTION OF MODEL PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS FOR AUTOMATION DEVELOPMENT JOB DESCRIPTIONS. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2017;5(3). URL: DOI: (In Russ).
Published 30.09.2017