Keywords: electronic locking and sealing devices, gps / glonas trackers, customs transit, customs control, road transport
UDC 629.06
The relevance of the study is due to the need to create conditions for minimizing threats to the economic and national security of the state when implementing the customs procedure for customs transit. In this regard, this article is aimed at identifying or disclosing the principles of information and technical support of vehicles during customs transit and ensuring the identification of vehicles in customs transit. The leading approach (or method) to the study of this problem is the multifactor modeling of the customs risk management system for customs transit, based on the use of advanced customs technologies, which allows us to comprehensively consider the prospects for more effective customs control under the customs procedure for customs transit. The additional technology of container identification with the help of electronic locking sealing devices is aimed at preventing duplication or substitution of the container. The commissioning of the cargo tracking system, to prevent offenses directly in the way of the vehicle. Thus, the constructed model demonstrates problematic issues that prevent customs officials from exercising effective customs control of customs transit. The development of the principles of information and technical support and identification of vehicles during customs transit was carried out. The use of the developed systems will allow to control the customs transit from the beginning of the procedure to the very end. The proposals on the application of the information and technical system for monitoring vehicles in customs transit as a promising customs technology have been developed, as a result of which the optimal use of tracking devices and their location for the most effective work of the system under consideration have been identified. The materials of the article are of practical value for participants of foreign economic activity and officials of customs.
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Keywords: electronic locking and sealing devices, gps / glonas trackers, customs transit, customs control, road transport
For citation: Afonin D.N. METHODOLOGICAL, TECHNICAL AND INFORMATION SUPPORT FOR MONITORING VEHICLES AND GOODS IN CUSTOMS TRANSIT. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2017;5(4). URL: DOI: (In Russ).
Published 31.12.2017