Keywords: organization, management, optimization, structure, graph approach
UDC 681.3
In this paper the analysis of a general statement of the optimization problem associated with the choice of managerial decisions. The development of techniques that allow a static analysis of the organizational structure of enterprises involving graph approach and the method of structural matrices is carried out. A graph describing information linkages is represented by the adjacency matrix. The methodology allocates several stages: definition of the state vector of the system outputs are defined in every structural unit; and then identifies interrelationships that exist among the subsystems; further analysis of the system is determined by what exists detailing the directions of each of the subsystems. As the main three kinds of characteristics in the organizational system: the tasks performed in each of the divisions; communications that occur between tasks and have different intensity; the reasons that caused a certain type of communications. Built a matrix that contains the characteristics of relationships among named tasks performed in the departments of organizational structure. It is shown how the linear programming problem is solved on the basis of the approximate method. It is noted that the approximate method is quite easy to implement. The optimal task plan is obtained, with no limit on corporate resources.
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Keywords: organization, management, optimization, structure, graph approach
For citation: Romanchuk V.A., Kostrova V.N., Preobrazhensky Y.P. THE DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS OF SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF CHOICE OF MANAGEMENT DECISIONS BASED ON OPTIMIZATION APPROACH. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2018;6(1). URL: DOI: (In Russ).
Published 31.03.2018