Keywords: decision-making, system, optimization, information society, aggregation
UDC 681.3
The relevance of the research is based on the fact that the effectiveness of the main life activity systems is significantly determined by the development of high-tech technological systems that promote them (for example, equipment related to radiotelephone communication, equipment related to digital television, equipment for 3G, 4G-technologies). When considering a multidimensional interaction among them is education related to developing systems (ALS) (for example, include information telecommunication computer network). The structure of the decision-making system in the management of the SRS is given and the components of its mathematical support are described. The first group of procedures in the mathematical support of the JWP is related to the application of computational algorithms for determining the indicators reflected for the main and supporting systems in the standard methods, and the formation on their basis of the basic optimization problems for two subclasses of the SRS. The second group includes multi-module algorithmic procedures for choosing a rational control option, which includes, in addition to the module for the formation of a plurality of perspective options based on the results of randomized search, a preliminary module for the transformation of basic optimization problems, the final decisionmaking module using expert information. The structure of the index of readiness of regions to information society is given. The index is built on the basis of aggregation of values of indicators, and aggregation takes place at several levels, allowing to build ratings of regions in separate directions and factors of development of information society with varying degrees of detail. It is shown how the method of calculation of the index of readiness of the region to information society is used. The structural scheme of formation of optimization model of infocommunication technology (ICT) of the system is given.
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Keywords: decision-making, system, optimization, information society, aggregation
For citation: Nedosekin D.A. THE DECISION-MAKING PROCEDURE BASED ON MULTISTAGE MODELLING AND OPTIMIZATION OF DEVELOPING SYSTEMS. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2018;6(2). URL: DOI: (In Russ).
Published 30.06.2018