Keywords: chronic obliterating diseases of lower limbs, theory of latent variables measurement, optimal treatment regimens, health-improving measures
UDC 616.5-002.4
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2018.23.4.006
The aim of the proposed study is to increase the effectiveness of medical treatment activities of patients with chronic obliterating diseases of the arteries of the lower limbs, including their malignant development - critical ischemia of the lower limbs, due to the use of adequate mathematical methods. As an adequate mathematical apparatus, the theory of measuring latent variables with the G.Rush model is chosen, with the help of which hidden connections are established between known variables (indicator variables) and a variable that does not have an explicit analytic connection with indicator variables, but in relation to which, at a conceptual level, it is known , that such a connection can exist. This variable is called hidden or latent. From the point of view of the choice of the optimal schemes of medical and recreational activities, specific drugs, their dosage, rates and methods of administration, etc. serve as indicator variables, and the effectiveness of treatment as a latent variable. The evaluation of the effectiveness of medical and recreational activities selected at the expert level is provided by the interactive package RUMM 2020, which implements the model of G. Rush, which processes the initial statistical information that was formed during five years when observed by 400 patients of the Kursk Regional Clinical Hospital suffering from different stages of the HOZANK and receiving various treatment regimens. The effectiveness of the treatment measures was controlled by the change in the intensity of the pain syndrome in the lower limbs according to the author's questionnaire. Using the RUMM 2020 package, it was found that, as effective drugs in the treatment of chronic obliterating diseases, it is advisable to use a combination of such drugs as alprostan, vesel-duf, fractiparin, actovegin, 6% reforming, pradax and ethoxidol. In the online mode of experts with the RUMM 2020 package for these drugs, the treatment regimens were refined and it was shown that the intensity of the pain syndrome, the effectiveness of treatment for newly received treatment regimens is increased by an average of 75%, which allows them to be recommended to the medical practice of vascular surgeons and angiologists
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Keywords: chronic obliterating diseases of lower limbs, theory of latent variables measurement, optimal treatment regimens, health-improving measures
For citation: Bykov A.V., Korenevskiy N.A., Kolesnik A.I., Govorukhina T.N. OPTIMIZATION OF SCHEMES OF MEDICAL AND RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES FOR CHRONIC OBLITERATING DISEASES OF ARTERIES OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES USING THE THEORY OF MEASUREMENT OF LATENT VARIABLES. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2018;6(4). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2018.23.4.006 (In Russ).
Published 31.12.2018