Keywords: decomposition of switching, installation space, flows in networks, predfraktalnye graphs, streaming algorithms
UDC 004.021
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2019.26.3.007
Development of scientific and technological progress leads to a rapid increase in dimensionality various networks, info telecommunication, electrical networks, routes, etc., which leads to the accumulation of a very large amount of both structured and unstructured data (Big) that require analysis and processing. The paper considers the method of modeling the optimal installation and breakdown of switching space tools predfraktalnyh theory graphs. Unlike all known methods of this joint approach in solving the tasks of posting and trace Highway (channel) is a part of the plane (plates). A method of recursive Division switching space mounting-with the creation of active-passive graph model. An important role in Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологии. Научный журнал, Том 7, № 3 2019 assembling and switching play breakdown "wall" between the spatial slices, as well as location on the walls of the transit points for authorizing the holding through them links (conductors). There is a possibility of a more flexible resource allocation "walls", identifies linkages through Streams crossing ability "walls" and "are not conductors walls", but use the notion of "beams", "ligaments", "streams" of links and the mathematical apparatus of flows in networks, graph or prefractal graph. The resulting dual graph of such a decomposition is called "envelope-Earl" has a lot of interesting analytic properties. To solve the problem of synthesis of this graph (network), in which the thread exists and satisfies all the input from the outside restrictions, the algorithm "vertushechnogo" Division INC on estimating the time zone for which the solution varies from O(Q2.33) to O(Q3).
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Keywords: decomposition of switching, installation space, flows in networks, predfraktalnye graphs, streaming algorithms
For citation: Baychorova A.N., Elkanova L.M. SPATIAL DECOMPOSITION METHOD OF INTEGRATION AND COMMUNICATION SPACE TO BUILD NETWORK STREAMS. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2019;7(3). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2019.26.3.007 (In Russ).
Published 30.09.2019