Keywords: access node, last miles, transport network, synchronous digital hierarchy, data transfer
UDC 004.725.4
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2019.26.3.039
The article deals with the problem of construction and further operation of the last miles of departmental communication networks to the point of presence of Telecom operators, as well as the option of optimization of optical departmental networks to remote access nodes at the point of presence of Telecom operators. The structural location of network elements is described. Outlines the key used topology access networks. The topology of the "ring"is described. The application of LCAS technology to increase the bandwidth of individual communication channels formed in the SDH network is considered. The analysis of efficiency of departmental communication networks with the use of LCAS technology and without it is carried out. The requirements for the organization of communication channels of domestic networks in the electric power industry by types of channels and transmission rates are indicated. The technology of organization of SDH network structure of frames and types of containers used for traffic transport in optical networks is described. The principle of operation of LCAS technology in optical networks is described in detail on the example of organization of cross-connections of VC SDH containers. A number of advantages of using this method of optimizing the last miles of departmental networks to the point of presence of Telecom operators, which in turn are confirmed by the experimental method, are determined.
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Keywords: access node, last miles, transport network, synchronous digital hierarchy, data transfer
For citation: Maklakov E.S., Gulamov A.A. OPTIMIZATION OF "LAST MILES" TO REMOTE ACCESS NODES BY APPLICATION OF LCAS TECHNOLOGY. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2019;7(3). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2019.26.3.039 (In Russ).
Published 30.09.2019