Keywords: organizational system, management, interaction, efficiency, intellectualization, spatio-temporal information
UDC 681.3
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2019.26.3.026-
The article introduces a description of one of the classes of complex systems - geographically related organizational systems, widespread in the social and economic spheres. The characterization of the systems under study is given through classification features according to their belonging to territorial and industry clusters, according to the method of spatiotemporal information generation for effectiveness evaluation. A variety of combinations of these features leads to the three main tasks of geographically related organizational systems management: management of resource, productive and resource-productive interaction of objects of the main and related systems.It is represented that the mechanisms of the generation of spatio-temporal information play a special role in the intellectualization of decision-making in the listed managerial tasks. Such mechanisms are monitoring and rating. The first mechanism allows obtaining estimates of indicators characterizing the functioning of the main system objects and the results of interaction with objects of related systems in a set period of time. The second mechanism is aimed at aggregating the monitored indicators into an integrated assessment, based on which the position number of the main system object in the rating list is determined. The main fields of intellectualization of management of organizational systems class under the study, which are determined by the optimization condition of potential efficiency and require the development of problem-oriented methods for analyzing GIS-oriented spatio-temporal information and algorithms of decision-making intellectual support are substantiated.
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Keywords: organizational system, management, interaction, efficiency, intellectualization, spatio-temporal information
For citation: Goryachko V.V., L'vovich E.M. CHARACTERIZATION OF GEOGRAPHICALLY RELATED ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND APPROACH TO INTELLECTUALIZATION OF THEIR MANAGEMENT. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2019;7(3). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2019.26.3.026- (In Russ).
Published 30.09.2019