Keywords: digital twin, oil conditioning plant, mathematical model, saturated vapor pressure, removing h2s from oil
The system of decision-making support for oil conditioning using by digital twin of technological plant
UDC 620.193
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2020.28.1.008
This paper is about using of the digital twins for oil conditioning plants. A relevance of this theme is due to continuous monitoring of conditional oil quality. This problem arises when conditioning oil is the mix of low-and high H2S content streams. The main idea of this paper is theoretical calculation of the oil quality in between laboratory analyses. This task is colving using by mathematical modeling of the oil conditioning plant. A foundation of model is the Peng-Robinson cubic equction of state. The proposed digital twin is realized by Russian program «MiRPiA Process». In the considered case a composition of source oil changes dynamically. The mathematical model predicts rates and compositions of the conditioned oil and a gas condensate. Therefore digital twin allows to determine parameters of an exploitation mode: last separation temperature and rate of H2S neutralizer. This paper may be interesting for oil conditioning specialists.
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Keywords: digital twin, oil conditioning plant, mathematical model, saturated vapor pressure, removing h2s from oil
For citation: Konovalenko D.V. The system of decision-making support for oil conditioning using by digital twin of technological plant. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2020;8(1). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2020.28.1.008 (In Russ).
Published 31.03.2020