Цифровое представление и комплексная оценка навигационной безопасности движения на морских акваториях
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Научный журнал Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологииThe scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology
Online media
issn 2310-6018

Multi-measure navigation safety estimation and digital represent for marine area

idGrinyak V.M. Ivanenko Y.S.   Lulko V.I.   Shulenina A.V.   Shurygin A.V.  

UDC 004.8
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2020.28.1.003

  • Abstract
  • List of references
  • About authors

The paper is devoted to the problem of ensuring the safe movement of ships. The problem of assessing the safety of a traffic pattern implemented in a specific water area is considered. Five different safety metrics are introduced. The first metric - “traffic intensity” - the traditionally used traffic density estimate, is calculated as the number of vessels passing through a particular section of the water area per unit time. It is supplemented by the metrics “intensity plus speed” (second) and “intensity plus size of ships” (third). When calculating them, respectively, the speed of the vessels and their length, which determine the "weight" of each vessel, are taken into account. The fourth metric - “stability of traffic parameters” - takes into account the nature of the movement of ships in terms of the regularity of their courses and speeds. The paper discusses various options for the metric, to illustrate the simplest of them is implemented - an estimate of the standard deviation of the ship's course. The fifth metric - “traffic saturation” - characterizes the density of movement of ships in terms of the possibility of their maneuvers. The metric appeals to the traditional model representations of the collective motion parameters of the vessels in the form of a “speed-course” diagram and makes it possible to indirectly assess the difficulty of decision-making by skippers and the emotional burden on traffic participants. In the discussion of the results of the work, the option of integrating the five proposed metrics in the form of a system of rules giving an integrated assessment of traffic safety in a particular section of the water area is considered. The work is accompanied by the results of calculations of the proposed metrics on real data on the movement of ships in the Tsugaru Strait and their discussion. It is shown that the proposed system of metrics allows you to create a systematic idea of the degree of danger of traffic implemented in the water area.

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Grinyak Victor Mikhailovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Email: victor.grinyak@gmail.com


Federal State State-financed Educational Institution of Higher Education “Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service”

Vladivostok, Russian Federation

Ivanenko Yury Sergeevich

Email: yurown92@yahoo.com

Mechanics, Control and Software Department, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Far Eastern Federal University"

Vladivostok, Russian Federation

Lulko Victor Ivanovich

Email: viktor.lyulko@vvsu.ru

Federal State Statefinanced Educational Institution of Higher Education “Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service”

Vladivostok, Russian Federation

Shulenina Alena Viktorovna

Email: shuleninaav@mail.ru

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Far Eastern Federal University"

Vladivostok, Russian Federation

Shurygin Artem Vladimirovich

Email: show.vars@gmail.com

Federal State Statefinanced Institution of Science “Institute of Automation and Control Processes Far Eastern Branch Russian Academy of Science”

Vladivostok, Russian Federation

Keywords: marine safety, traffic intensity, ship trajectory, ship traffic, traffic area, аutomatic identification system

For citation: Grinyak V.M. Ivanenko Y.S. Lulko V.I. Shulenina A.V. Shurygin A.V. Multi-measure navigation safety estimation and digital represent for marine area. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2020;8(1). Available from: https://moit.vivt.ru/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/GrinyakSoavtors_1_20_1.pdf DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2020.28.1.003 (In Russ).


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Published 31.03.2020