Keywords: organizational system, rating management, resource support, group expertise, optimal choice
UDC 681.3
Rational allocation of resources is one of the most urgent tasks of managing organizational social-and-economic systems. In this case, there is a need to compare objects based on quantifiable estimates. The integral characteristic of this assessment allows you to specify the rating of objects and can be used in rating management systems. The article considers an optimization approach to expert selection of resource allocation options when using rating management in organizational social-and-economic systems. It is shown that the sources of multivariance are: a variety of sets of indicators used for internal rating assessment, a variety of models for ordering objects of the organizational system by the value of the integral assessment, a variety of models for the distribution of resource provision. The optimization of the expert selection is proposed to be ensured by integrating methods of organizing group examinations, processing their results and selecting the final solution. Combining them in a single cycle of decision-making management within the computer meeting, a question/answer mode of the negotiation process was introduced, allowing to coordinate the opinions of a group of equivalent experts with the dominant one. The paper also justifies the final variant choice of resource allocation in the organizational system based on a combination of the majority and dictator principles.
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Keywords: organizational system, rating management, resource support, group expertise, optimal choice
For citation: Chernyshov B.A., Choporov O.N. RATING MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCE ALLOCATIONSOFTWARE IN ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMSBASED ON EXPERT SELECTION OPTIMIZATION. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2018;6(3). URL: DOI: (In Russ).
Published 30.09.2018